Monday, January 5, 2015

5 Things I Want From The Black Panther Film

The Black Panther is finally getting a movie and I couldn't be more excited about it ( seriously I couldn't be), so I've decided on these 5 things I want to from the film.

1. A fully realized Wakanda

When I first heard rumblings of a Black Panther film being made, one of my first concerns was that they wouldn't spend the time and resources devoted into making Wakanda look as awesome as it does in comics. I then saw Coming to America ( for like the 100th time) and it got me thinking, " If they can make Zamunda look grand, surely with our technology we can make a bad ass Wakanda" I'm not cutting any slack if Wakanda turns out like total crap. Seriously though, this is how Zamunda looks and this was way back in the 80s, I wanna be razzled and dazzled dammit..let it surpass Avatar in terms of visuals.

2. No connection to the Infinity Gems

I know that this is a longshot but hear me out; aren't you guys getting a little tired of how every film is somehow connected to Thanos and the gems? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Infinity Wars will be kick ass but we've already established that those things exist and people want them...let's do something new. I want them to use this film as a way of bringing in new players to the MCU, maybe instead of a end credit scene that involves Thanos, maybe we will get to see something that helps lead into the next Black Panther films? Captain America 2 gave me a reprieve from all the gem stuff and I think it made the film better for it, let's do it again with Black Panther

3. Make Black Panther different from the others
He does not mess around
T'Challa, the Black Panther, is not like the rest of his superhero colleagues, not only is he royalty ( ruler of Wakanda) but he is also a warrior. It would be nice if the warrior side got played up and we see him actually killing his enemies; he has no qualms about using lethal methods if it's to protect the innocent or his own country. He has the ability of Captain America, the intelligence of Stark/Banner, the cunning of black Widow and aspects of their personality so it would be fun to see that play out in one person.  I know I didn't mention Hawkeye but that's because I've yet to see Hawkeye (that's right, shots fired)

4. Sweet, sweet Hand to Hand Combat
Did I mention he can fight?
After watching the light show that was "Guardians of the Galaxy" ( good film btw) I could really use some sweet chin music in my films. I know that between now and when Black Panther is released that other MCU films will be out, but I think BP is the perfect film to showcase some fantastic fight choreography that rivals the martial arts film of old. Once again I was given a break with Captain America 2 with it's hand to hand scenes, but I'd like to expand on that...I want people to know that whether it be with brains or brawn that Black Panther is nothing to mess with.

5. Keep the story centered around Wakanda
Space is cool and all but I rather we stick to Wakanda
This kind of ties in with #1 but I don't want the film to take place out of Wakanda. I'm finding myself making the opposite argument for my Thor 3 wants but I truly believe that, if they do it right, you won't want the action to take place anywhere other than Wakanda. I basically want this film to be as self contained as it can be because that goes with Wakanda itself, a nation that does it's own thing all while inhabiting the same universe as the rest of the Marvel U. 

I tried to keep this list short and sweet because, while I do have other concerns, those were my 5 biggest and they didn't require too much explaining. I just psyched myself up again and now I want the film to be out tomorrow...I gotta stop doing that. If you have things you also want in this film, feel free to let me know.

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