Saturday, September 5, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Trailer Released!

A lot of people were not too thrilled at the way season 3 went, especially the whole Olicitity thing, but I didn't mind season 3 that much because I view Arrow as a comic book; not every single issue/volume is gonna be great but it adds to the mythos. Anyways, forget about season 3 if you hate it so much because season 4 is around the corner and by the looks of the trailer it will be awesome. I love the fact that Oliver is becoming a bit more light hearted as the character was going too much into the Bruce Wayne direction for my liking; Ollie may have gone through some stuff but he is never above wisecracking and shooting people with boxing glove arrows so its a welcome change to see him happy for once..even if we all know its not gonna last. Diggle as Magnegro is gonna take some time to get used to but at least he finally got a costume, Laurel looks more comfortable as Canary which I love because she was getting a lot of crap from fans last season, Thea is going crazy...that's so Thea, Damian Dark and Anarky are there, just looks like a lot of things happening in season 4 and I am here for it. Now where is my Flash trailer?