Monday, May 26, 2014

Double Movie Review: X-Men and Godzilla

This is the first, and probably last time, that I've seen movies back to back so I've decided to do a special double movie review. I'm gonna change the format up this one time otherwise this will end up being a mega long post and we ain't about that life on here so let's get right into it, starting with X-Men: Days of Future Past

Thursday, May 22, 2014

So let's talk about She Hulk

Yesterday, David S Goyer made these comments about the emerald giantess She-Hulk. It's pretty clear to me that he doesn't understand the character at all and thinks very little of comic book fans in general ( which is weird because his biggest successes are based off comic books). Stan Lee responded to those fallacious comments here so I figured now is as good as any to tell you guys why She-Hulk is awesome.

Sunday, May 4, 2014