Tuesday, March 24, 2015

So You Should Be Watching The Flash

If you haven't been watch "The Flash" on CW then you have been missing out on easily one of the most entertaining new shows on tv ( my sister got into it and she only caught the midseason finale). The Flash does a lot of things right in the realm of comic book shows, this is a comic book show if that wasn't apparent, and it's a big reason why it is enjoying tremendous success. I could go on and talk about how Grant Gustin does a fantastic job as the nerdy yet tremendously likable Barry Allen, or how Tom Cavanagh is a brilliant yet sympathetic villain in his role as Harrison Wells, or even discuss the supporting cast that has quickly come into their own and provide solid B stories; but I think this is the best reason why you should be watching this show

That is correct, a man in a yellow suit just ran faster than humanly possible to deliver another man to a gorilla with psychic powers and amazing intellect, I defy you to find a show more comic booky than that ( not even Agents of Shield goes that far). It is things like this that I absolutely love, the show just fully embraces its comic book roots and you can tell they have tremendous fun making the show and it translates into the show itself; from Cisco giving villains their iconic names to the introduction of time travel, The Flash unapologetically reminds you that you are in fact watching a show based off a comic book character and you are enjoying every minute of it. I mean damn, they have Gorilla freaking Grodd on the show and the producers have hinted at them doing multiple Flashes ( Wally West fans get hyped...Bart Allen fans, y'all exist?), if you love comic books or hell just wanna see some entertaining television you should def check the show out.

The Flash airs Tuesdays 8PM PT/ET on the CW...it's also online at the CW  so you really have no reason not to be watching this show unless you hate fun and who hates fun? Nazis....that's who.
Watch the Flash or Nazism will win.

Monday, March 16, 2015

#Changethecover- Outrage Culture Strikes Again

It seems like you can't go a day without people getting offended over something and making it controversial; first it was the whole #gamergate thing (that is still happening), the shirtgate storm that happened after Matt Taylor wore a shirt that people thought was the reason that women weren't in STEM and now we have Batgirl's cover being changed. Apparently, this image was too dark and highlight a less than stellar period of her life; so dark in fact that there was a petition created to get the cover change, hence #Changethecover, and even the artist felt like they shouldn't run the variant.

"My Batgirl variant cover artwork was designed to pay homage to a comic that I really admire, and I know is a favorite of many readers. 'The Killing Joke' is part of Batgirl’s canon and artistically, I couldn't avoid portraying the traumatic relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker.
For me, it was just a creepy cover that brought up something from the character’s past that I was able to interpret artistically. But it has become clear, that for others, it touched a very important nerve. I respect these opinions and, despite whether the discussion is right or wrong, no opinion should be discredited.
My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art. For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled. I'm incredibly pleased that DC Comics is listening to my concerns and will not be publishing the cover art in June as previously announced.
With all due respect,
At first glance this might seem like the artist regretted their decision, but if you look again you'll see that they created the cover as an homage to "The Killing Joke" and viewed it as a cover dealing with the character's past. 
Moments before Joker paralyzes Barbara
Most of the criticism against it ( from the usual suspects like The Mary Sue) comes from the fact that the entire situation basically "fridged" her so that the male hero would have some sort of personal tragedy happen to them ( Barbara was shot in an effort to drive Gordon crazy) but that is such a negative way to look at it. They did mention the fact that it showed just how tough Barbara is but they mentioned that in passing as if it was a throwaway when it is very important; Barbara was completely exposed (literally) and beaten ( again literally) and instead of just fading away, she overcame her situation and became, arguably, an even bigger crimefighter than ever before; becoming Oracle allowed for her character to grow in amazing ways and she was the queen of all information gathering for the DCU heroes, which is no small feat. The new Batgirl is going for a younger audience obviously but to distance yourself away from one of the most pivotal points of the characters history is a shame, new readers need to know where she comes from so they can get a better since of just how far she has come. It is completely idiotic to say because this is an all ages book that a freaking VARIANT COVER cannot be "dark", hell isn't Batgirl a T rated comic anyways? Getting upset over this cover because it not like other female hero variants is dumb because most of the other female DC heroes don't have a storyline with the same level of significance with the character or fans.

I am so tired of people making mountains out of mole hill; this is just like the Spider-Woman Milo variant, everyone is getting bent out of shame at an artist interpretation of a character. It is getting to the point where even the artists have to cave into pressure ( if you think Rafa wanted to issue that statement then you are delusional)  and in essence censor their own work. What happened to freedom of artistic expression? It is not as if they have Batgirl strapped to a wheelchair nude or anything so what is the big deal? The new fans, like the Mary Sue pointed out, might not know about the Killing Joke so I doubt they would think the cover was trying to evoke that at all, more likely than not they would just think that the Joker is gonna do some awful crap like he always does. When does this end? When does the industry stop kowtowing to these overly sensitive critics and start sticking up for artistic choices that they made? I strongly believe they should have kept the cover and I am seriously concerned with the future of the industry if they continue to cave into this nonsensical pressure.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Nerd Reviews: Dragon Ball Xenoverse

It seems like there is just no end to this series; countless re-releases of the anime series, new movies and of course videogames. Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the latest addition to the game franchise and is the most DBZiest DBZ game to ever DBZ (I mean this in the best way possible) and just so happens to be one of the best DBZ games to ever come out; the other of course being the fantastic Budokai 3 game for the PS2/Xbox but we aren't talking about that so why did you even make that comparison? Of course you made that comparison because you def weren't gonna say something like Sagas right? Oh yeah I gotta review the game, sometimes I forget what I'm doing half way and I just- you know what let's just talk about the damn game already.

Right from the opening scene you see that this is not a typical Dragon Ball Z game as there is no training mode, no world tournament or even a story mode;instead, you are greeting with a new game option that leads you to a short little intro and into the character creation screen. That's right, you will be able to create your own saiyan- I mean def not saiyan character because you can choose from 4
This is my Saiyan char
races (Human, Majin, Frieza race and Saiyan) and like who would even wanna play as a saiyan? Only unoriginal people would go for a race that gets stronger after each battle, can go super and are the most op characters of the series, and you are definitely not one of those types so I don't even know why I went on that little spiel. Anyways, after you create your not saiyan character, you are thrusted into the Time Nest, the central hubworld of the game, and there you will learn about the game's mechanics, all the new additions and of course it's where you will progress the story. Normally when you mention story in a DBZ game you would think a series of fights broken up by cutscenes...and you'd be exactly right here but I do have to give it kudos for taking a story that everyone who is playing the game is overly familiar with, and adding a few wrinkles to the plot in order to give DBZ veterans a new-ish perspective which is very well done...well at least for a DBZ game. Normally, you'd play as a Z character and experience the story from the anime/manga as each appropiate character; this time however you are part of the Time Patrol, a group led by the Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks, and are tasked with maintaining an accurate timeline of history. It's kind of like that show Time Squad and if you didn't watch that show (shame on you) you basically team up with various Z warriors in order to help them win fights in order to keep history in check. A lot of the fights happen differently than in the series so  don't expect a whole lot of continuity but I must again say that this is actually a good thing since there is only so many times you can go Super Saiyan against Frieza before it loses it's coolness.Another major addition is the inclusion of Parallel Quests or PQs; they serve as filler content for the story and also double as a great way to earn experience and pretty much the only way to earn all the extra stuff this game has to offer and boy is it a lot of stuff. I actually really enjoyed the PQs because they have enough variety to stop it from feeling like glorified first zone grinding and make you feel accomplished when you clear all the requirements because holy crap do some of these mission require you to have the patience of a God ( not a God like Beerus though because that is the exact opposite of patience).
The battle can get pretty hectic at times
The fighting system is very similar to that of the Tenkaichi series so veterans of those games will feel right at home here. There are only 2 regular attack buttons and combos are context sensitive, but it's a DBZ game you aren't here for a deep combat system and honestly I prefer it this way; when I think Dragon Ball Z I think of a freaking laser show on acid and over the top battles...Xenoverse does not disappoint in either regards. After each battle your character gains exp, access to more PQs, skills, equipment and clothing; normally things like this would be fairly frivolous but DBX is like a fighting MMO so levels play a huge difference this time around, if you are under leveled prepare to have to replay missions repeatedly. At first I was kind of shocked that I lost a battle just because I was not attacking this like I would do an rpg, make sure I'm properly leveled and have the right support items, and I had to retrain myself to come into this like I would any other mmo...something I never thought I'd have to do for a Dragon Ball Z game. I would love to sing this game's praises but this is a review so I do have to mention it's short comings too, starting with the targeting system. When you're in battle it is essential that you see your enemy at all times, unfortunately the developers did not think so as your targeting reticle will sometimes unlock itself, especially during an ultimate attack, and have you taking your rage out on the air as your opponent kamehamehas you in the back. Another issue is the presentation, the lip syncing is almost Speed Racer bad and the voice acting is inconsistent; Goku, Vegeta and Beerus are a few highlights, the others do a serviceable job but there are way too many moments where a line that should have been delivered with excitement sounded like the voice actor couldn't wait to cash their check (like "that wizard came from the moon" level of engagement). Don't expect a kickass soundtrack either as most of the battle music is forgettable and sometimes doesn't match the intensity of the fight you're having, although there is something soothing about the music that plays when you're by the Supreme Kai of Time.

Ok that really never gets old
I meant what I said about this being the most DBZiest DBZ game ever; from the crazy attacks to the inclusion of a massive number of characters from all parts of the series ( including the new film series), you'll be in heaven. Sure there are a few faults with the game but honestly if you love the series you have to play this game, I didn't think I was going to enjoy this as much as I do. You really feel like you are a powerful warrior in the Z universe ( or I guess Xenoverse right?) and I would be lying if I said I didn't smile every time I booted up the game and heard the modernized intro play. This is obviously a buy it  recommendation for all the fans of the series and also for anyone looking for a fun fighting/mmo game. I made it through the whole review without making a reference to that meme, I am very proud of myself, I'm going to reward myself by playing some more Xenoverse.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

King's Speech: Women in gaming (rant)

As king of this blog, and by extension the entire internet, I've decide that it is time to make a proclamation of sorts...okay really it's a rant but saying proclamation has a certain ring to it that makes me feel all regal. Ok enough with the pleasantries, let's get down to it.