Thursday, May 22, 2014

So let's talk about She Hulk

Yesterday, David S Goyer made these comments about the emerald giantess She-Hulk. It's pretty clear to me that he doesn't understand the character at all and thinks very little of comic book fans in general ( which is weird because his biggest successes are based off comic books). Stan Lee responded to those fallacious comments here so I figured now is as good as any to tell you guys why She-Hulk is awesome.

Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, was created due to the TV series attempting to create a female hulk before Marvel and since Marvel wouldn't own the rights to the character they decided to make their own. That all being said, She-Hulk is so much more than the results of corporate greed and a " an extension of male power fantasy" as Goyer so eloquently put it, she is her own person who has overcome her personal issues. She-Hulk is a woman and she openly challenges the perception of what it means to be womanly. She is drawn with curves ( as most superheroines are because superheroes represent an idealistic form of humanity both morally and physically) but is also very muscular and there is a lot of social stigma around women being physically big, but Shulkie gives zero f*cks about that and fully embraces her body and all its muscles.
Look at those freaking pythons
Not being content with just challenging the established physical norms for women, Jen also goes up against the idea that women must be demure when it comes to sex. She-Hulk is not afraid to make the first move, nor is she shy from being sexually active; in fact, she owns her sexuality with as much strength as she physically possesses....which is a lot if you guys didn't know. Oh and did I mention she is a goddamn lawyer too? Yep she beats bad guys in both her professional life and her crimefighting career.
Whether it be legally or on the streets, Jen is serving justice
I could go on and on about how she's way more than just a female Hulk but I think you guys get the point, she's a hero in her own right and the comments of David Goyer and Craig Mazin are nothing more than the opinions of uninformed individuals who just look at characters on the surface. It is apparent to me that they never read a She-Hulk comic or they would have never uttered such ugly words. I would advise Goyer and Mazin to pick up the ongoing series and then ask them if they still think she exists solely to be used for sex by the Hulk ( which did happen in Old Man Logan but that's different) and for the rest of you, go read the new ongoing She-Hulk or she will get pissed and we don't want that happening...again.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but she should have stood by Bruce from the beginning of WWH
