Monday, June 15, 2015

E3 2015: Sony's Press Conference

Ok so Sony wasn't the first of the Big 3 to go but I just finished watching their press conference and I was amazed at just how well they did, well more than amazed because they gave us a special treat during that I didn't even know was happening.
You know what, the whole damn thing is online so why am I even gonna pretend that you didn't see it; Final Fantasy 7 is happening. Well it's happened before but this is the HD Remake...not re release, remake. That alone made this the best conference of E3 but they didn't just stop there, they also announced the Kickstarter for Shenmue 3 and I mean people have been waiting over a decade to finish this series so Sony bought themselves a ton of new fans with this move. Anyways let's look at some of the trailers they dropped at this conference.

Street Fighter V:

This one was kind of disappointing simply because all it shows is the introduction of Birdie (Alpha series) and Cammy ( every series...why is she even an announcement?). Not much here except for a beta that'll be starting up soon...hooray? Hopefully they fix the speed of the game because it's way too slow.

Destiny: The Taken King

Truthfully I haven't played Destiny in a while because I felt cheated by the fact that I had to pay for content that should have already shipped with the game and the overall game wasn't solid enough at launch to warrant my interest; the Taken King looks to rectify that mistake by offering a host of new additions (supers, weapons, strikes, etc..)  and hopefully some gameplay tweaks for the online matches. I am hearing rumors that it may cost 40$ which seems a bit steep but nothing is confirmed, what is confirmed is that the trailer looks fantastic.

Horizon Zero Dawn:

This is a brand new IP from the folks over at Guerrilla Games and it really caught my eye. Sure it has a female lead (which I know a lot of people will focus on) but the environments looks gorgeous and you get to hunt a dinosaur I don't understand the context but who cares it's a dinosaur robot and you get to kill it with a spear. I don't know why but it gave me a sorta Lara Croft Tomb Raider vibe, in a good way of course...let's hope the game is just as good (as the new series, not the old crap ones). 

Final Fantasy 7 Remake:

Yes I spoiled this in the beginning but who cares, its the remake to the game millions have been asking for (the other millions have been all like "oh who cares it wasn't even that great" but you know they are totally gonna buy it..hipsters..) and Square Enix delivered. This makes up for that tease they did at the tech demo for the PS3, I'm gonna stop writing now, go watch the trailer already.

Those are just a few of the trailers released, for all the ones Sony released, check out the Youtube Channel. I must say once again that I was pleased with the overall conference; they gave everyone what they wanted, even the Bro of Duty fans, and didn't try to bore us with a bunch of crap we don't care about, that's what a conference needs...don't tell me your sales numbers and all that, show me the games that are coming out within the next quarter and take my money. Next up; Nintendo.

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