Saturday, April 11, 2015

Should you watch Netflix's Daredevil?

So you should definitely be watching Netflix's Daredevil because it's exactly what you wanted when it was Ben Affleck under the hood; a dark viligante with so much guilt you'll wanna do 50 hail Mary's after episode one. Right off the bat the atmosphere is something you wouldn't expect from the current MCU ( Marvel Cinematic Universe for the uninitiated) as it does away with the bright colors and light shows in favor for a less aesthetically pleasing display; and it absolutely helps set the stage for a superhero like our good friend Daredevil. Charlie Cox does a great job playing the charming yet guilt ridden Matt Murdock and an even better job as Daredevil; I know they are the same person but they are representative of two ideals that Matt holds, Murdock  being legal justice and Daredevil being justice the Hell's Kitchen way, and Cox does a really good job displaying the conflict those two sides create within himself. Elden Henson took a character I really didn't care about, yes I know Foggy Nelson is an important support character but so is Aunt May and I don't care about her either, and made him into someone I genuinely liked. His portrayal of Foggy seems believable, as does his relationship with Matt as Elden and Charlie have such on screen chemistry that it's easy to believe
Vincent D'Onfrio as Wilson Fisk
that they have been friends a long time. Karen Page does come off a little bit damsely at first (which given the situation is totally understandable) but quickly becomes her own character and a good addition but Vincent D'Onofrio once again proves that he is chameleon as he is barely recognizable as Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of organized crime of Hell's Kitchen. Vincent delivers a very different take on Wilson as he is willing to be vulnerable and in control yet has a quiet rage that violently explodes and he let's his emotions cloud his judgement; he is a walking contradiction and that uncertainty is what makes each time he is on the screen have that much more impact, you really never know if he is going to make the logically play or go completely off the's good stuff.

If you've seen Agents of Shield or really any Marvel film then you will be very much surprised at how much it is unlike anything that Marvel has done before and that never becomes more clear than during those glorious, well choreographed fight scenes. Gone are the pretty beams and PG-13 blood, this a show unafraid of showing what a real fight would do to a body; Matt gets the hell beaten out of him while doing the same to the bad guys and it is so refreshing to see broken bones and blood fly around, gives the fights a since of weight and gravity that you wont get in any other Marvel film (we got close with Cap 2 but like..he's a supersoldier and even getting shot in the gut didn't do much to him). I mean just look at the video on the left, do you really think you're gonna see an Avenger do that? Not only are they gritty they also play around the fact that he doesn't see things how we see things, so we don't see fights how we typically would; sometimes its a straight up brawl, some times the action happens off screen and we just hear it, other times the camera moves in a rather disorienting manner, the fights just never really look the same and you can tell they are having fun playing around with a rather unique superhero.

It is pretty obvious that I totally love this show and if it's any indication for the type of quality that Marvel is gonna produce on Netflix, then I cannot wait for the other shows to come out and get that Defenders tv movie..thing...going. The pacing is slower than what you'd expect but it fits with the show and it's never so slow that you get pulled out of it, it builds each episode and does a good job exploring each character without giving you a giant expository episode. The acting is solid, the action is so very kickass and it's one of the few MCU things that focuses on "street level" threats which gives the MCU a whole new world to play in. Go watch Daredevil, its out right now, watch it and love it and totally forget that whole Ben Affleck Daredevil thing ok? Seriously that was like 12 years ago, the world was a different place then, leather was in. This more than makes up for that old film so don't hesitate, watch it.

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