Thursday, January 15, 2015

So #Gamergate was on Nightline and now I'm gonna rant ( don't expect super great sentence structure)

I know I haven't been talking about #Gamergate a lot but I am still very much still in support of it,  I just thought that after nearly 5 MONTHS of it the media would start to realize that "gee maybe this isn't about harassing women" but then  this happened:

I have no choice but to once again correct the media and attempt to stop this ridiculous narrative. I'm not gonna even go point by point here because that would be a waste of my time, instead I am going to illustrate just how much they adhere to the narrative of how women in the gaming industry/culture are treated like total crap. Within the first 5 seconds of the video they have set the tone of segment but incorrectly portraying the videogame Grand Theft Auto ( GTA) as a game wherein you violently beat/kill women; that is only half true, in the game you can kill thousands of npcs (non player characters) of both genders at your discretion, there is no impetus to solely kill women unless you solely kill women. Heck in that game the majority of the people you have to kill are male, but of course they won't mention that fact because it goes against their carefully crafted violence against women narrative. #Gamergate was not created so that 150,000+ people could band together to harass women online, that's an idiotic assumption to make especially since the internet has the collective attention span of 5 mins and this has been going on for century in internet time; we've come together to express our disdain with how the current games (and now mainstream media) has lost it's way and favors agenda over the truth. The harassment this women have received cannot be traced to gamergate, I mean just look at Anita...she's been getting harassed since 2012 ( which is terrible and I don't condone it nor do I like it) but gamergate started late last year so how can it be from us? The same for Wu and the others, why would trolls create a hashtag to harass you when they were harassing you just fine before? When you start to actually understand how the internet works, you realize that trolls are not so committed to pretending to be something they are not that they would donate over 120k dollars to charities, go on streams, send emails to businesses, or any of that; they would however dox people, post their addresses on multiple boards online, send death threats and do all the stuff that the media and detractors have accused gamergate of. They are willfully ignoring the concept of 3rd party trolls because once again it does not play to their narrative of gamergate being a bunch of  cishet angry white bros, it's the same reason they ignore any pro gamergate women.

Speaking of pro gamergate women, it's pretty sad that the media is so concerned with portray women as these weak, helpless creatures that they ignore the majority of women in the gaming industry. A lot of female gamers, devs and content creators do not like the idea of being silenced or spoken for by the media and if the media cared as much as they claim to then why haven't they reached out to this women? Why is it that Brianna Wu, a person who had almost no visibility until she injected herself into gamergate, gets all these interviews yet a woman who is a success in the industry does not? Surely it would be much more beneficial to cover all the positive women in gaming, the heads of studios, the heads of departments, than all this negativity right? But then if they were interested in actually getting women into gaming they'd of did with the Fine Young Capitalist did and help them make games or start a scholarship fund or something; it's all well and good that Anita and Intel are teaming up but why she didn't do something to help women before that is anyone's guess. I am all over the place I know but sometimes it's very hard to keep it all straight when there is bs coming in all over the place.Why Wu even being interviewed? She makes all these claims of harassment and having to leave her home yet there is evidence that she never once left her house and possibly made up those claims. Why do none of these women who claim to care about women in gaming do nothing to actually encourage women to get into gaming?

Going back to the video for a second, all I can say is shame on Abc for drinking the kool-aid and doing zero research about anything. How has journalism fallen to such a point where you can be corrected with a 2 min search of Twitter? Is this narrative so damn important that you would willingly portray not only gamers as terrible people but women as these helpless creatures who need you to protect them? I am so sick and tired of half truths being presented as gospel, so tired of criticism towards Anita or anyone of her peers being taking as misogynistic harassment, deathly tired of the hack jobs on #gamergate done by the hands of the media and I am goddamn tired of this misogyny narrative. You want to join the gaming culture? You wanna be in the community? You want to have your voice heard? Then instead of silencing everyone and taking your ball and going home, sit down and listen to the people you want to join. Stop talking for all gamers and women, quit taking things at face value, be critical of the information you receive, start getting rid of your biases and go into this as objectively as possible.

I'm sorry for the rant, usually I have pictures and it's a bit more humorous but I am running out of things to laugh at about the situation, its gone on far too long and the detractors don't even realize that they are the ones that prolong it, not us. Anyways, watch that video and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about, look at the comments too because there are some valid ass points in there. Later.

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