Tuesday, November 11, 2014

5 Of My Favorite Videogame Music Tracks

Videogames have been a part of my life since like forever so it makes sense that videogame music would also be a particular favorite of mine too. Game music has the ability to elevate the status of game, to draw the player into the world, to transport you to a time in your life long past...you get the idea; let's just get right into some of my favorite ones ok? Well it's my blog so I'm gonna do that even if you don't want me to. 
*The order isn't arranged by least to most favorite, it's just 5 of my faves*

5. Okami

This is one of my favorite PS2 games ever (I even  bought it again for the PS3) and the music is a big part of why it is. Okami is beautiful game, you play as a goddess in wolf form with the power to shape the world around you as if it were you own canvas, which makes sense because you use a Celestial Brush to interact with the world, and the game's beauty is only matched by it's soundtrack. From the Shinshuu Plains to the far Ryoshima Coast and beyond, the music will keep you captivating throughout this surprisingly long adventure. God I love this game so much.

4. Shadow of The Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus pits you (Wanderer) against 16 mythic colossi in a vast world that makes you look like an ant by comparison. Such a game would need a soundtrack most epic and holy balls does this game have an epic soundtrack. Seriously, you will feel so triumphant when you take out a Colossus ( so hard not to say Titan) because the game switches music to reflect your position; one minute its loud and overbearing as the Colossus is lumbering about and then when you start to climb up it the music shifts to that of a theme that reflects your overcoming of adversity ( well it's called Revived Power and its the youtube vid above)..not many games have such an intricate relationship between gameplay and sound and it pays off wonderfully here.

3. Lost Odyssey 

If you've ever played a JRPG before, you're painfully aware of the concept of the "Random Battle" ( for the uninitiated its basically when you walk around..and a battle will randomly start..probably didn't need to explain that). Lost Odyssey follows the old school jrpg mechanic of turn based action and random battles so you'll be grinding a lot to level up, but the grinding is worth it because you'll get to hear that beautiful battle theme over and over again. When I first popped this into my 360 I put the controller down and just listened to the music, didn't input a single command for at least 3 mins...that's how freaking beautiful this theme is. Nobuo went hard on this game ( like Phil Collins on Tarzan hard) for no reason and I love it, seriously even the map music, that you don't even really hear, goes in

2.  Sonic 2

I know it's random but Sonic 2 had some great music. Each level gave you something different and I just really like the Chemical Plant Zone ok? But really from start to finish I think Sonic 2 had the best music of the entire franchise.

1. Street Fighter 2

2 old school games back to back? Well yeah...because they have great music. Street Fighter 2 introduced the 8 world warriors and with that came 8 super awesome themes ( Everyone talks about Guile's but Ken theme is really good too) and just a really good soundtrack which is saying a lot since this is just a fighting game. I sometimes don't even pick a character because I'm too busy listening to the character select music...freaking Capcom picking such catchy tunes..i'm trying to fight here.

So anyways, those are a few of my favorites, feel free to tell me your favorites, I might possibly (read: definitely) do another segment like this again because I really love videogame music. If you'll excuse me, I gotta go listen to "Escape from the City" for the 100th time today.

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