Monday, June 9, 2014

E3 2014: Ubisoft

                                                            Release Date: Nov 18 2014

Far Cry 4-. Ubisoft kicked off their E3 press conference with a worldwide premiere of Far Cry 4. I'm not a huge Far Cry fan ( haven't played them) but if the trailer is any indication of the game, then it looks like it might be the first one I play. It's a gorgeous looking game and the voice acting of the main antagonist is awesome; he's menacing but with just the right amount of charm to make you want to play the game just to see all the messed up shit he's gonna put you through.

Trailer for Far Cry 4:here ( Strong Language and blood)

                                                          Release Date: October 2014

Just Dance 2015- I am not much of a motion control gamer so the Just Dance series never appealed to me, luckily for Ubisoft that 25 million other people have been a fan since the first game and Ubisoft has decided to keep that gravy train rolling with Just Dance 2015. It more or less follows the same mechanics as previous installments but now their is an added functionality with a smartphone app that lets you dance along with others. Nothing too drastically different on the surface but when you have a formula that results in you making off like a bandit, why change it?

Trailer for Just Dance 2015: here

                                                                 Release Date: 2015
Tom Clancy's The Division-  This game looks amazing and is definitely one of the games I can't wait to play. The graphics are stunning, the environments look so beautiful and the gameplay looks fantastic. I know its a trailer and its a super spruced up version of what we will get so I shouldn't be all excited, but screw that, this game looks great and the trailer did it's job because now I'm upset that this game isn't out right now. I hope there wont be any delays...even though it's highly likely there will be because that seems to always happen to games I want. 

Trailer for Tom Clancy's The Divison: here

Release Date: Nov 11 2014
The Crew-  There are a lot of racing games that are out right now and a few on the way (Forza 5, untitled Criterion action racer) and The Crew sets out to distinguish itself from the rest by giving players an open world racing MMO. I know that sounds pretty ambitious but from the look of things it seems as if The Crew is gonna deliver on that promise...did I mention there are zero load screens? Racing aficionados might have to make room for The Crew...or not...I don't make the rules. 

Trailer for The Crew: Here

Release date: Q4 2014

 Assassin's Creed Unity- Ubisoft's most beloved franchise makes it's return back to Europe just in time for the French Revolution and it looks stunning. They've added a new 4 player co-op and the gameplay footage they showed makes me excited for the game ( I didn't like ACIV if I'm being honest). Not much else to say about this so go watch the trailer and spaz out over it.

Gameplay Trailer for Assassin's Creed Unity: here 

Shape up & Valiant Hearts- I'm combining these two because I am lazy and there isn't a whole lot to say about them. Shape Up is a fitness game " for gamers" ( whatever that means) and Valiant Hearts is a game in vein of  Child of Light ( well in like'll see what I mean) that is set in World War I and features dogs...I know right? But it'll probably make you sad and stuff...enjoy!

Trailer for Shape Up: here
Trailer for Valiant Hearts: here

Rainbow 6 Siege-  This came out of nowhere and holy balls does it look amazing. I don't even like  FPS games and I am actually probably gonna buy this game. The gameplay trailer was so intense and it really showcases what you can do on a next gen system ( blowing up the infrastructure for a breach? wherever you want? yes please). Just go watch the trailer because my words aren't gonna do it justice.

Trailer for Rainbow 6 Siege: here

Overall I think Ubisoft had a fantastic showing; Aisha Tyler did another great job as the host, Ubisoft showed off some games I can't wait to play and also gave the fans more of what they wanted. Jfc The Division looks so good though, and then they finish off with Rainbow Six? This is how you do it man..this is how you keep people wanting more but in a good way. Grade: A

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