Monday, June 9, 2014

E3 2014: 5 ideas to help Microsoft

Today marks the start of the glorious week of gaming; E3. Microsoft has decided to have their press conference today at 12:30pm et and I think they need to do really put themselves back in the game because they really botched it last year. Not to worry Xbox fans because I have some  on how Microsoft can win E3.

1. Let's focus on the games eh? Last year's presentation made the Xbox Onr look like a glorified slingbox, there needs to be a focus on the actual games. Let's give some more time to the new ips and less to ESPN because I didnt spend 499 ( well I didnt but my fellow gamers did and we all share the pain) to watch something I have on basic cable.

2. I know you put so much money into the Kinect but c'mon guys, you gotta realize that no one cares about it. If you want to keep pushing this peripheral then put actual effort into the games that support it, show off games that look amazing and then say "suprise bitch! It's a Kinect game!" The effort you put into Kinect games vs non Kinect games is poor. I don't know about you guys but I'd rather play Halo 4 than Kinect Sports.
 Make sure you play this gif for maximum effectiveness
3. Do not announce a slimmer,cheaper version of your console that boasts more harddrive space. This may seem counterintuitive because you want to increase sales but that will shoot you in the foot. The Xbox One is starting to make real noise in the market and releasing another version would totally kill its momentum.  Instead of a new Xbox, stay the course and reward those who bought your console.

4. GET BETTER PRESENTERS. A press conference is boring (we all know this) which is why they always have celrbs do it, but why not get well known gamers in on it? There are a plethora of YouTube gamers with millions of subscribers that could help Microsoft increase its fanbase and also bring legitimacy to the product as it would be real gamers talking about it. It's a long shot but it would definitely help them standout this year.

5. Spoil me like you're living out your civil rights movement era fantasies and I'm your biracial mistress. Give me freebies to make me stay.  I want better deals on Xbox Live, its a joke that Sony gives PS+ members free games ( like Bioshock Infinite) and Microsoft still makes you pay for Crackdown.  I want a free game a month and big discounts (20 dollars minimum on full priced games) and I want recent games ( no more than 5 years old).

So that's my two cents,agree? Disagree? Want to add on? Sound off and we will see if MS does anything we say.

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