Thursday, October 8, 2015

Comics I Read This Week - Marvel 10.7.15

I know I've been gone for a bit but I'm back so let's not focus on the past. This week marks the start of the "All New, All Different" Marvel line so I've decided to start a new segment to coincide with that, thus the name of this post and ya talking about the comics I've read. Anyways, lets get right to it, starting from Marvel.

Point One

Marvel decided to have a comic that is a preview comic to the other comics that will be released, seems kind of weird on the surface but it gets the job done. You get to see a sneak peek of the stories of the different titles, think of it as a sampler plate to see which one you like. There isn't much else to go on about here so lets get to the next one.
**I also read Avengers 00 but its the same premise as the Point one, just for Avenger related titles.

Doctor Strange #1

I strongly recommend reading this book and I'm not even a Dr. Strange fan...that's how good this issue is. Dr Strange isn't a wildly popular mainstream character and thats the best part of this because he can pretty much go any direction and the one he seems to be heading on looks to be solid. Chris Bachalo's art is the perfect style for Strange as its energetic and vibrant yet not so overpowering that it becomes distracting and Jason Aaron is a solid writer ( He did Thor: God of Thunder and that was awesome). I hope they have a long run on this because I really enjoyed this issue.

Invincible Iron Man #1


I don't even know why I read this because I'm not really an Iron Man fan but I must say that he wasn't a total dick in this one and it was actually enjoyable to read. I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue with the series or not yet because they are still doing the whole "Howard Stark isn't my dad and I wanna find my real parents" thing from the pre Secret Wars arc and that storyline is just so dumb to me. Does it really matter if Howard Stark isnt his real dad? It's not like Howard was such a pivotal character within the comics that this changes anything, his dad could have been the Jack Bandit and it wouldn't change anything. With that said though, I'll be following to see if they end that story quickly and get onto more interesting ones or not.

Amazing Spider-Man #1

Obviously I read Spider-Man and this should surprise 0% of the population, nor should my recommendation of this issue. It's so nice to see Peter actually succeeding (for however long that lasts) and still being the same ol Peter we know. If you've read Batman Inc then the formula will be overly familiar to you but if you haven't it goes a bit like this: Peter Parker has taken his brand internationally so there will be more Spider-Men out there...although the amount has not be determined I'm going to assume the likes of Miles, Miguel and Silk (eventually) will be added to the payroll. This is just a really fun issue, not necessarily an "omg" filled issue, that serves as a taste of the new Spider-Man universe but retain that old Spider-Man fun you've come to know from Dan Slott.

Secret Wars #6

Looks like things are finally starting to come to a head in Secret Wars as this issue sees the Spider-Men (Miles and Peter) find the source of Doom's power and pretty much everyone is sick of Doom's crap. This isn't an action heavy issue so don't expect to see any massive brawls or even a punch thrown, this is all a set up for the action that will happen in issue #7. There is a pretty epic panel of Black Panther (won't go into detail) that made the Panther fan in me go " WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?" and that alone merits that you check out this issue.

Spider Island #5

Truthfully I've only been reading this for the back up issues of Spider-Girl because those stories are great and she really does need to be brought to the forefront. Spider-Island was a great arc in the ASM line but this series failed to capture my attention and it's just so "meh" that by itself its not worth a read. I recommend this though if you really like Spider-Girl but like really really like her, otherwise its a pass.

Old Man Logan #5

This is the last issue of Old Man Logan before the series starts over again post Secret Wars and man do I like me some Old Man Logan ( yes I know how it sounds). Its not an action heavy issue but instead focuses on Logan being reunited with those he thought he had lost. I won't go too much into it but it definitely sets the stage for how he will be utilized in the later issues.

**I know its confusing that there are titles coming out that are post Secret Wars while the Secret Wars series is still going on but they don't spoil the ending so they are safe to read. Well I mean obviously the people who have continuing books survive but that's it in terms of spoilers.

So there are the Marvel books I've read this week, I'll be doing ones for DC next. If you want me to do a more in depth review of these books let me know. These weren't all the ones that came out but just the ones I've actually read.

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