Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Super Throwdown

I can't believe it took me this long to start putting this up on my blog, but anyways this is the first ( of hopefully many) Super Throwdowns. Here are the rules:
1. No prep time. I know this goes against a lot of the rules other people have but I don't like prep time because people use it as a sort of deus ex machina of how x character can beat y; this is a fight to the death.
2. There will only be 3 total fights and each fight will be out of 100 matches.
3. I know that many characters have many different versions that exist ( such as Superman Prime and pre52 Wonder Woman) so I will try my best on a case by case basis to have the most "complete" version of the character; for example if I were to do one with Wonder Woman I would include her new god power up as a deciding factor on whether she would win or not.
4. I will take requests but if it's for a character I am not familiar with I'll need some time to do some research.
5. This is just for fun, please don't take it as "this character is better because he can beat that character" as we all have our own favs. Also, don't think that just because I have a favorite character that I will always have them win, I try to be as unbiased as possible.

Ok now that's out of the way, let us commence.


This is one of the most popular match ups I have seen and its for good reason, both of these characters are nothing short of supremely powerful planet busting entities and are some of the most powerful characters in all of comics. These two are actually pretty even in terms of physical ability and durability so that's pretty much a moot point so we have to look at their abilities and this is where Superman would normal have an advantage but none of his powers would be to terrible for Thor to overcome; I don't think he would have issue with heat vision or super breath. This battle would require them to use every advantage they possibly can and here is where it gets tricky. Superman gets his powers from the sun, that is to say his cells absorb the solar energy and grant him his strength/powers so the more exposure he gets, the stronger he becomes. In this battle, if Superman flies into the sun he would become an invincible god essentially ( seriously he gets a major freaking upgrade in everything when he is sun dipped); however, Thor also has an ability to increase his strength too called "Warrior's Madness" and can use the power of the Earth to assist him since he is the son of Gaea, and let's not forget that Thor wields a magic hammer ( Mjolnir) which just so happens to be a weakness of Superman, but him being sun dipped might delay the more harmful effects of the hammer.
Verdict: 50/50. I know it seems like a copy out but these guys are really evenly matched. Thor would gain the advantage with his magic hammer and lightning blasts but then Superman could also charge up from the sun and go beast mode; but Thor has thousands of years of combat experience but Superman has so much power that experience alone wouldn't guarantee him a victory. I don't know the upper limits of either character so it would be really impossible to say who definitely wins ( Yes I know people will say Superman should win and will list a bunch of feats but let's not forget that Thor has rarely had the opportunity to go all out either and has impressive feats of his own).


I honestly do not know why this is such a popular match up ( maybe because Batman is mega popular?) but this is not a fight; it's a massacre. I have done this match up again and again and I just don't see how Batman survives this encounter. Batman is a master martial artists, strategist, detective, basically he's the best human ever....and none of that matters in this battle because Spider-Man is simply too much for him. Let's ignore the fact that one punch from Spider-Man would literally kill Batman, what can Batman actually do against Spider-Man? Everything Batman could do would be countered because he moves way too slow for Spider- Man ( Fun fact: Spider-Man has reflexes 40x that of a normal human and for a rundown of his powers click here). Batman can't use the shadows to his advantage because spider sense would negate any and all surprise attacks and Batman's fighting skill would do him no good because Spider-Man is knows how to fight and at a way faster pace. If we are being real here, Spidey could just web him up and murder him with ease sense you'd need superhuman strength to break the webbing and with no prep time I doubt Batman would have anything that could dissolve it.
Verdict: Spider-Man 100/100. There is no way Batman wins, none at all. I know I will get hell for this but it's true, there is no way Batman is overcoming Spider-Man; Spider-Man is just too much for him, too strong, too fast, too agile, too durable and that spider sense renders all of Batman's tricks moot. I know people will say " Spider-Man gets hit all the time in comics" and to that I say the only reason he gets hit is for entertainment value, if you had a freaking danger sense combined with your reflexes that are 40 times that of a human...what normal human is hitting you ever? 


This one is also fairly tricky too. Natasha is trained in a buttload of fighting styles (here) and has been enhanced to peak levels of human conditioning, plus has superhuman agility; but Dinah is no slouch either, she too is a master of many martial arts (here) and has her Canary Cry that is nothing to laugh at. Both of these ladies are lethal and can handle their own in a fight but there is a winner here.
Verdict: 60/100 Black Widow. I want to say that Black Canary is one of the most skilled fighters in the entire DCU and is not a push over, but Natasha has too many natural advantages and I just do not see Dinah overcoming them consistently. Nat is stronger and faster than Canary and has superhuman reflex and agility greater than that of an Olympic level athlete; all of those are deadly advantages in martial arts. Canary could use her Canary Cry to through Widow off guard and deliver a finishing blow but Natasha could use her Widow's Bite to paralyze Canary. If Canary had body armor that was on the level of Batman then I would probably go 51/49 Widow because armor like that could tank the Widow's Bite.

So that completes my first Super Throwdown of this blog. If you have any requests or complaints ( which I am sure people will) please either leave a comment or message me (thetallblacknerd@gmail.com),

1 comment:

  1. I agree with battle 1, but not 2 or 3. Batman is ruthless, spidey is too nice. I know he could overpower batman but I just dont see it happening. Dinah and natasha are pretty close but I have canary 55\100
