Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Flash Season 1 Finale

The penultimate episode, Rogue Air, felt like it could be a season finale in it's own right what with The Flash having to contend against not only Reverse Flash but also Captain Cold and the rest of the metas stuck in the accelerator; I didn't think they could top that but once again I was proven wrong as they masterfully not only tied up a season long story-line but also left the potential for season 2 wide open.

We start the episode dealing with the immediate aftermath of the fight with Wells (Thawne aka Reverse Flash) as he and Barry are having a conversation that serves as the crux of the episode; go back in time and save Nora and let Wells go to the future. Now on the surface it looks like an immediate no and we as the audience know that Barry isn't gonna be selfish but I have to commend the writers on how they handled it; they really showed how tempting it could be to change the past but also highlighted all the potentially disastrous results that could happen. I won't go into too much detail as to what happens ( although I most likely will at the week's end to give you guys time to watch) but you probably will not see the ending coming, even if you are an omega nerd. There are some moments in here that Grant really shines, like when he's talking to Wells and especially when he has that heart to heart with his father in prison...things like that really hit home the weight of his decision and make the episode much better. There are a few meh spots in the episode like the Ronnie/Caitlin thing although Victor Garber did a great job as Professor Stein so I can't be too upset with it.

Overall this was a fantastic way to end the season, we get a glimpse of other characters like Hawkgirl, the reveal of a new metahuman, lots of tearjerking moments and an ending that comes out of left field. I'm thoroughly impressed with how much I have enjoyed this show and it is easily my favorite comic book tv show to date. If you haven't been watching this show for some reason, go back in time and punch yourself in the face for how foolish you've been...or maybe just catch up on it now since it's over (although if you do the former I am not responsible for you breaking the time space continuum). SERIOUSLY THOUGH THIS FINALE WAS SO GOOD AND THE ENDING WAS LIKE "HOLY CRAP THEY JUST SAID F IT WE ARE GONNA GO BALLS TO THE WALL HELL YEAH". That is the TD;LR version for all you folks who aint got the time to read these words.

Ok stop reading, this is it, go watch Flash or go to sleep then wake up, do what you do, then watch the Flash. Okay? Great.

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