Monday, February 16, 2015

Nerd Theories: There Will Be Changes to The Avengers Lineup

By this point I think it is fair to say that Marvel is coming out with a lot of superhero films over the next few years and that means a lot of new characters will be appearing on the big screen for the first time. This is an exciting prospect because a lot of people's favorite heroes will be getting the attention they deserve, but that also means there is a potential for their favorites to not get the attention they deserve; with so many characters coming out, how will Marvel balance between the established cast and the newcomers? Well lucky for you guys I have a theory.
If you're familiar with comics then you've no doubt seen team rosters change frequently in order to capitalize on a character's popularity or to raise the awareness of a character, this will be no different in the MCU because I suspect that the end of Avengers 2 will have most of the cast unable to be there for Infinity Wars, well at least for the first part. You gotta remember that the Avengers had issues with balancing their cast (it was the Stark and Loki show) and they only had 5 members on the team; the addition of Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision make it 8 for Avengers 2, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Dr Strange and Black Panther would bump the next film up to 12 and Ant Man makes it can see why there would be reservations on how they could handle this. As I said earlier, they will most likely adopt the comic book tactic of rotating the roster; Cap or Iron could have created a failsafe should the Avengers not be around to protect the Earth ( totally taking a page out of the Earth's Mightiest Avengers playbook) and have sent out alerts to the heroes they felt ready to take their place as the new Avengers.
Seriously that is a lot of characters

I know a lot of people are a bit miffed that the addition of Spider-Man shuffled around a lot of the films but I think that doing it this way is also part of Marvel's plan to take the MCU in a new direction. Remember how Iron Man was the golden boy for Marvel when they first started? They want to replicate that again for the New Avengers and what better way than to have Spider-Man as the next cash cow? He already has popularity so he can draw people in and use his celebrity to raise the status of the newer, lesser known heroes and the MCU; Marvel will effectively capture lighting in a bottle again and lead to another slew of heroes having their profile shoot way the hell up, like past the Shi'ar homeworld and into the next universe. Spider-Man will be the Tony Stark of the group minus the money, T'Challa will be the Captain America and Captain Marvel will be Thor, the second trinity of the MCU shall be born during Avengers: Infinity War and it's all thanks to having Spider-Man on the squad. Of course, this is all purely conjecture and relies on the fact that Marvel will adopt the rotating roster plan and not just have a crap ton of characters in the film. Could you imagine how terrible the film would be if all the characters were in it? It would be like if Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a baby and then decided "we need more babies in this film" and then casted Topher Grace as baby Venom and Sandman was stealing babies because his daughter was sick and....I'm sorry I went on a tangent there.

So anyways, that's my theory; Avengers 2 will be a sort of slate cleaner and allow for the new characters to get the spotlight since the originals will be indiposed. I think this way we can regulate the older members to smaller roles in future team films and people won't freak out because they don't know who the hell anyone is. Again I could be totally wrong but that comes with making conjecture. So do you agree? Disagree? Hate Spider-Man 3? Please let me know ( especially that last one because what the hell it's been like 8 years and I'm still not over it).

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