Saturday, September 27, 2014

Word Vomit: The problem with current game reviews

I know Link, I know

"They have powers and I don't so I feel bad and the game is bad"
Imagine you were going to watch a movie and you wanted to look at a review to see if it was worth it. You go to a major film review site to see what they have to say about " Hard Kill 2" and the reviewer says this: "Though the action, writing and acting were all topnotch, I was severely disappointed that movie gave me a sense of insecurity as I have never had the courage to punch a bear in the face, 2/5 stars". I'm sure you'd be completely confused as to how that has anything to do with the film's quality and you would be totally correct; unfortunately, Polygon did exactly that but replace "Hard Kill 2" with " Tropico 5" and you essential have what passes for a review nowadays. I won't link to the article ( I am not giving them traffic and you can easily google it, here I did it for you ) but the reviewer didn't like how a game about dictators made him feel "powerful in the worst way", completely ignoring the context of the game and is using his own morality has a metric for how good the game is. This problem isn't limited to just this specific reviewer or website, there has been a major shift in how games are reviewed by the industry at large as an attempted effort to seem more socially conscious. I am all for being socially aware and trying to bring attention to certain things, but you have to pick a better arena for that, create a blog for your social thoughts and go crazy, don't use your platform as a critic to push your own agenda. What if all the major gaming sites put out a review of Destiny and the consensus was something like " The gameplay is smooth and manages to combine a lot of different elements from other genres, but they have powers and I don't so I feel bad and the game is bad"? Not only does that look incredibly biased but it is insulting to anyone who plays games. 

As a consumer, I expect the person who is reviewing the product to be knowledgeable on said product. Going back to the Polygon review, the reviewer states "What could have been a poignant, perhaps even hilarious commentary on the nature of narrow-minded dictators merely served to enforce the game's backward world view." and also "Tropico 5 succeeded in making me feel powerful, and it enabled me to create a world in my image. But the game so entirely lacks compassion that it made me feel like a bully. There's an undeniable tension between the player, in the role of The Dictator, and the citizens. Tropico 5 fails to reconcile that conflict in a mature way, missing its shot at changing the series from a thoughtless getaway to a memorable, meaningful trip". This tells me that the reviewer didn't understand the intent of the game or series and rather than comment on the actual mechanics of the game, they spent the majority of the time on their own social
Current game reviews have angered Son Goku
views and how the game doesn't work how they want it to work. That is not a review, a review should focus on the content of the game, the mechanics, presentation, audio, controls, all the things that make a game a game. When you say that the game makes you feel bad, what you are also saying is that you think the people that make/play that game are also bad, you are indirectly judging the both the creator and consumer when you should be solely judging the game ( based on a define criteria and not your own personal beliefs). This needs to stop, your feelings about a game should not overshadow the actual game's merits. Seriously, reading that Polygon review it was 90% personal feelings, as if the reviewer forgot that the point was to talk about the game and not their feelings. 

What happened to just talking about the game and it's mechanics? There are way too many reviewers that feel the need to tie the game to the real world when the game itself is an escape from that very thing. I hope after all the current going ons in the gaming industry ( Like #GamerGate) that the review sites will start to go back to the old ways of reviewing...ya know...reviewing the game without the social justice commentary? Ah that would be grand wouldn't it? A world where I can see a review and not feel like I'm worse than Hitler because I enjoy a game that other people might not...imagine that.


  1. Both I (a Chinese American Gamer) and Daniel Vavra (who lived in, I believe, the USSR or somewhere behind the Iron Curtain) both called that reviewer out on his bullshit, and we know how dictators operate in real life.

  2. Nice read. I enjoyed it and agreed with it! Crazy I know...Lol
